Friday, January 1, 2010

What is JOY?

To start off, I thought it would be good to define JOY.  According to, JOY is:

  1. the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation
  2. a source of keen pleasure or delight; someone or something greatly valued or appreciated
  3. the expression or display of glad feeling
  4. state of happiness or felicity
  1. to feel joy, be glad, rejoice
So, with that said, I will be writing about the things and people that bring me JOY, and about what I rejoice in.  I pray that you may find JOY in your days.  Feel free to share with me what brings you JOY ~ it is best when shared!!


  1. JOY- Jesus first, others second, yourself third. I heard that acronym a long time ago!

    Thanks for stopping by, happy new year to you too!!

  2. Ann - thank you for reminding me of that acronym! Silly me, I have a necklace that represents that!!

  3. What a great modavational site this will be. Thank you and I am glad to see you back. I still have mine and really do enjoy this.
    Happy New Year.
